Paul Walden Art

Limited Editions by Paul Walden

All art images on this site  © Paul Walden   All rights reserved

Click on thubmnails below to see collections.

Cosmic Series

Paintings from the 1980's thru the 1990's

Gallery One

Sample certificates that will come with each print are bellow. Each certificate will be hand signed by the artist and state the complete number of images that will be printed. This number will be for all editions of an image, as seen in the detail for Stratum bellow. Sadly this kind of information is never found on certificates. We think it should be provided and do so on our certificates.

Smaller paintings will be in one edition (178 images) as the sample for Color Swarm.

Larger paintings may be in more than one edition like the sample for Stratum, generaly (181 images) total for all editions.